The Methodist Church cherishes its place in the Holy Catholic Church which is the Body of Christ. It rejoices in the inheritance of the apostolic faith. It loyally accepts the fundamental principles of the historic creeds. We are acceptant of the Protestant Reformation. The Church remembers that in the providence of God, Methodism was raised up to spread scriptural holiness through the land. It does this by the proclamation of the evangelical faith. It declares its unfaltering resolve to be true to its divinely appointed mission.
Our doctrines of the evangelical faith which Methodism has held from the beginning and still holds are based upon the divine revelation recorded in the Holy Scriptures. The Methodist Church acknowledges this revelation as the supreme rule of faith and practice. These evangelical doctrines to which the preachers of the Methodist Church are pledged are contained in Wesley’s Notes on the New Testament and the first four volumes of his sermons.”
To find out more: www.methodist.org.uk